House Majority Issues

Economic Development and Workforce

Decades of long-term planning, fiscal prudence, and conservative policies have shaped Utah’s economy into the strongest in the nation. Our world-renowned tourism industry, thriving tech sector, and strong workforce strengthen our economy and provide opportunities for all Utahns. Learn about our efforts to bolster our economic development and workforce.


We are committed to providing every Utah child with a quality education and opportunities for a bright future. Every student and family is different, and we strive to meet each of their unique needs through proactive policies. Learn about our efforts to support teachers and students, strengthen school safety, and prepare the rising generation for a successful future.

Election Integrity

Safe and secure elections are an essential part of our republic. We take pride in our election systems while continuously looking for ways to refine processes and improve procedures. Learn about our efforts to ensure elections are safe and secure across the state.


Utah’s measured, all-of-the-above energy policy has powered Utah for decades by providing some of the most reliable and affordable energy in the country. We’ve proven that Utah is best fit for managing our energy, not the federal government. Learn about our efforts to apply common sense solutions and push back on federal regulatory overreach that threatens our ability to provide power to our state, fuel our economy, and maintain a high quality of life for the people of Utah.


As the most basic and fundamental unit of society, families are the bedrock of our thriving communities. Pro-family policies drive economic opportunity, foster social stability, and support the overall health of our people. Learn about our efforts to strengthen families, protect the unborn, and promote religious freedom to help families thrive in all facets of life.

Government Overreach

We have seen a sharp increase in federal government overreach through battles over our state’s public lands, unprecedented federal government mandates, and overregulation. Learn about our commitment to restoring the balance between federal and state government rights and responsibilities.

Health and Wellbeing

Accessible and affordable healthcare is a critical component for a high quality of life. However, it’s becoming out of reach for many Utahns due to inflation and high demand. Learn about our efforts to combat the mental health and healthcare worker shortage and promote innovation in this industry.


As life is getting more expensive in Utah, owning a home is a dream that is becoming out of reach for many. In partnership with local officials, state leaders, and the private sector, we have made huge strides to close the housing availability gap. Learn about our efforts tomake homeownership a reality.

Land Management

With two-thirds of Utah’s land controlled by the federal government, we must fight for our right to control our own resources. If managed responsibly, our rich supply of natural resources will continue to benefit Utahns for generations. Learn about our efforts to get the most out of our lands and resources.

Public Safety

Robust public safety is critical for our flourishing economy, strong communities, and high quality of life. Our growing population and the wave of rising crime nationwide demand an increased focus on public safety. Learn about our efforts to increase investments in law enforcement recruitment and retention, improve safety and security at the state prison, and adopt policies that deter crime, reduce recidivism, and strengthen public safety.

Rural Utah

Utah’s rural communities and the industries they support are key to our strong and diverse economy. Strategic rural investments in infrastructure, education, and economic development are critical to driving future opportunities. Learn about our investments and initiatives in rural Utah.

Second Amendment

We believe in protecting and standing up for Utahns’ 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. We are committed to finding a balance between protecting that right and safeguarding Utahns from potential dangers and threats. Learn about our efforts to protect the Second Amendment.


Amid historic inflation, fueled by reckless federal fiscal policies, Utah families are feeling the pinch at the grocery store, gas station, and everywhere in between. The best way to reduce these pressures is to let families govern their finances. Learn about our efforts to ease tax burdens and make life more affordable.


Our innovative workforce and thriving tech sector greatly contribute to our economy and industrious spirit. As we foster an environment to create new technologies, we must also take steps to protect against potential threats. Learn about our efforts to prepare for the future while protecting Utahns and their privacy.


With one of the fastest-growing populations in the nation, modern transportation infrastructure has never been needed more. Building and maintaining roads remains a top priority, but our needs can’t be met by roads alone. Learn about our progress towards improving multimodal transportation across the state.


As one of the driest and fastest-growing states in the nation, conserving and preserving our water resources is more critical than ever.  Learn about our efforts to promote conservation while making critical investments in water infrastructure and technology to increase and extend the state’s water supply.